H2POLAND starts. Time for pure business
Comprehensive platform for the exchange of expert knowledge during numerous conferences and debates combined with an exhibition of the latest solutions devoted to low- and zero-emission economy - the Central European Hydrogen Technology Forum H2POLAND will be held on May 17-18, 2021 on MTP Poznań Expo fairgrounds.

Grupa MTP is launching a pioneering project as a response to the need to popularise knowledge about solutions devoted to low- and zero-emission economy. The H2POLAND Forum, which takes place on May 17-18, 2022, is the first comprehensive fair dedicated to hydrogen technologies in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. It is in Poznań that hydrogen will be on everybody’s lips, both during numerous conferences and debates as well as in the offer of exhibitors ready for innovative business.
The hydrogen economy is one of the promising directions in reducing global climate change. The aim of the new initiative of Grupa MTP is to create a project based on inter-environmental cooperation between business, science, local governments and non-governmental organisations to maximise the share of Polish production and service resources in the implementation of hydrogen investments. These are necessary steps in the pursuit of a modern and climate-neutral economy.

Knowledge transfusion and an exhibition of industry innovations
The H2POLAND Forum is a comprehensive platform for the exchange of expert knowledge during numerous conferences and debates combined with an exhibition of the latest solutions devoted to low- and zero-emission economy. More and more is said that hydrogen is to be a fuel that will revolutionise the EU energy sector and will enable even more full use of the potential of renewable sources.
It is not without significance in the organisation of H2POLAND that Poland is the fifth largest producer of hydrogen in the world and the third in the European Union. It is both a challenge related to the decarbonisation of this production and a development opportunity.
Ultimately, five hydrogen valleys are to be created in Poland, which will appear as a result of the analyses of the potential of the local industry in the supply chain for the hydrogen economy, knowledge and competences of human resources and the emerging market.

Towards hydrogen in Poznań
The topic of hydrogen valleys and the related potential will certainly be present at the H2POLAND Forum in Poznań, especially since the willingness to establish the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley was expressed by representatives of the self-government of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship, local government officials from Wielkopolska Region, entrepreneurs and representatives of the world of science. Referring to European policies related to low-emission, green investments and the pursuit of climate neutrality, the Self-Government of the Wielkopolska Region undertakes comprehensive actions for safety and energy efficiency — from searching for new energy sources and ways of using them, through increasing energy efficiency, to its safe and effective supply to industry and households, actively engaging in the global value chain of the hydrogen economy, stimulating the emergence of local manufacturing competences in the area of infrastructure, products and services.

“By organising the H2POLAND Forum in Poznań, we cooperate and benefit, among others from the previous experience of the Self-Government of the Wielkopolska Region in the field of innovative hydrogen technologies. We see a great opportunity for environmentally friendly business with high potential in a dynamically developing market in joint activities, both at the local and governmental level. H2 POLAND is also an ideal place to present the latest solutions of industry leaders in the development of a low-emission future for hydrogen. We invite all entities who are close to the idea of popularising a modern and climate-neutral economy to cooperate”, says Joanna Kucharska.
The Central European Hydrogen Technology Forum H2POLAND will be held on May 17-18, 2021 on MTP Poznań Expo fairgrounds. The Organiser of the Event is Grupa MTP.