Grupa MTP nominated in a prestigious competition


Grupa MTP received a nomination in the prestigious competition Transform Awards Europe, in the category “Best Brand Architecture Solution”.

This is the reward for the best practices in the development of corporate, product and global brands in Europe. The concept of rebranding of the MTP Poznan Expo brand implemented in 2019 was developed by a global creative agency Dragon Rouge.

The very nomination in such an important competition is a great honour, especially that not only strategies but also the level of implementation of the rebranding process are evaluated. The establishment of the Grupa MTP brand is the result of creative collaboration that has resulted in the development of a coherent image that perfectly captures the brand identity.

The new strategy has resulted in the corporate brand − Grupa MTP, which combines the portfolio of facilities (MTP Poznan Expo, Poznan Congress Center, Arena Poznan) and services (Idea Expo, Garden City restaurants, City Marketing, With a clear brand architecture, the capabilities of Grupa MTP in the comprehensive implementation of trade fairs, congresses and events are readable for customers and participants.

The Transform Awards are awarded annually by the British trade magazine Transform Magazine for the successful transformation of the brand or organisation in several categories, separately on every continent. Announcement of results and awards ceremony of Transform Awards Europe will be held in London on March 3, 2020.