Gin Dobry Club before 2017
Norwegian accent in Gin Dobry Club
Another solemn session of Gin Dobry Club, when another person became a new member of the club, took place on February 4, 2016. Kjell Arne Nielsen who is a Commercial Advisor of the Embassy of Norway became the new member and raised the toast “Gin Dobry – First Today” together with the other members. The delightful meeting of an international character was also participated by Ewa Knast, an Advisor of the Commercial Bureau of the Embassy of Norway.
The solemn admission was carried out by the president of Gin Dobry Club, John Cash.

Toast to Budma
The second day of BUDMA International Construction and Architecture Fair and KOMINKI, i.e. 3rd February 2016, was a great opportunity to meet at Gin Dobry Club and enjoy a glass of something stronger. What’s more, even to meet twice! The first meeting was participated by: John Cash President of GDC, Tomasz Kobierski Vice President of Poznań International Fair, as well as respectable exhibitors of the jubilee edition of Budma.
Also, the second session of the Club took place that day. This is when Karl J. Schmidt, the Commercial Advisor of the Embassy of Austria, was admitted to the club. John Cash hosted the ceremony. Let’s hope there are as many opportunities to meet as possible!

Welcome to the club
We warmly welcome new members to the Gin Dobry Club! The last day of POL-ECO-SYSTEM will remain a nice memory for Hanna Grunt, President of the Regional Fund for Environment Protection and Water Management, as well as Marian Gorynia, Project Director of Poznań International Fair, both of whom joined the special club today. Traditionally, the passage for new members was performed by John Cash. See you at the next meeting of the Gin Dobry Club!

Gin Dobry Pol-Eco-System
We are not slowing down. POL-ECO-SYSTEM was a great opportunity to extend the number of Gin Dobry Club members. Due to the fact that meeting in a nice company is a great refreshment for doing business and cooperating, we are pleased to welcome the following persons to the Club: Wojciech Janka, President of National Forum of Directors of City Cleaning Companies, Adam Widota of Trade Council of the Embassy of Austria, Rainer Kohler, President of Ekocel Managing Board, Waldemar Wojciechowski, Ekocel Trade Director, and Marek Zieliński, Vice-President of National Fund for Environment Protection and Water Management.
Welcome on board; we hope to meet you often in the future. Gin Dobry – First Today!

Welcome on board of GDC
New members have raised the “Gin Dobry – First Today” toast! New, prominent individuals have joined our Club, which combines the joy of exploring the world, elegance and business.
That all happened during the last two days of Drema, Furnica and Sofab. John Cash performed a solemn initiation of Irena Miler, the owner of Tech-Fa Miler, Andrzej Kundzwicz, Regional Sales Manager of BASF for Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Ryszard Racki, Director for Sales and Marketing of Polpack Warsaw. Welcome among us and we hope to have many fruitful meetings with you in the future.

Gin Dobry!
We are glad to welcome another person to the Gin Dobry Club. On the second day of Drema, SoFab and Furnica Tadeusz Respondek, Vice-President of National Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers, joined the noble team of the club members.
John Cash, accompanied by other club members, performed a solemn initiation of admitting the new member to the Gin Dobry Club.

Good Gin Club grows in strength
The "Gin Dobry - First Today" toast sounded once again during the Drema, SoFab and Furnica Fairs. The occasion was excellent, since new persons joined the group of club members.
We are pleased to announce that today, i.e. on October 6, 2015, Marek Kasprzak (President of the Wood Based Panels Producers Association of Poland), Tadeusz Franaszek (President of the Polish Foundrymen's Association), Jerzy Józef Sobczak (Director of Foundry Research Institute), Dorota Sokołowska (President of Huttenes – Albertus Polska) and Czesław Rudy (President of Technical) have joined Gin Dobry Club. The new members received certificates and badges, which confirm their membership in the Club.
It is not the only change in Gin Dobry Club. John Cash, the Club President, appointed Przemysław Trawa as the third, apart from Grzegorz Turkiewicz and Andrzej Byrt, Vice-President of Gin Dobry Club.
We hope that the new members will actively participate in the Club’s operation, and the "Gin Dobry – First Today" toast will be often heard in the Press Centre, the venue for club meetings.
Tradition, gin and good company
MTP has always been and will always be a place of international meetings, exchange of goods, services and business experience, and a mixture of cultures. The best example is GIN DOBRY CLUB, which is talked about by its president, John Cash.
The Club history dates back to 1966, when, during the International Fair in Poznań, the tradition of raising a toast "GIN DOBRY – FIRST TODAY" was born. Where did the name of the Club originate from? What is its idea? Who may become its member? Watch that interesting interview!
We would like to welcome the New Members of Gin Dobry Club!
Gin Dobry Club is not slowing down. On March 10, 2015, during the Budma Fair, another 4 persons became the Club members. They include Paweł Orłowski (Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development), Karol Heidrich (Director General of the Polish Chamber of Steelworks), Marek Dranikowski (President of the Polish Chamber of Steelworks) and Tomasz Kobierski (Vice-President of Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie). Welcome on board, and we encourage you to visit our Club as often as possible. Let the toast "Gin Dobry - First Today" sound with a new power!
Gin Dobry Club will Continue Activity
The weather in Poznan today is remarkably autumn-like and wet - so can there be anything nicer than a brief moment of relax in good company, with a glass of gin in your hand?
The 1st October 2014 will be commemorated in the history of Gin Dobry Club for two reasons. First, our respectable group has expanded by Jan Grabkowski, Starost of Poznań, regional civil servant awarded, among others, the Gold Cross of Merit by President. Welcome to our group! Also, a cooperation agreement effective until the year 2017 has been signed today between MTP and John Cash who performs the most important functions in the club. It means that the toast "Gin Dobry - First Today" will be still heard at the Fair!
In the photos: commemorative photo with Jan Grabkowski and the signing of the agreement by John Cash, Vice-President Przemyslaw Trawa and Dr Andrzej Byrt, President of the Management Board of MTP.
Welcoming the New Members of Gin Dobry Club!
Today the toast "Gin Dobry - First Today" was louder than usual since three new members have joined our club. We are happy to welcome Waclaw Wasiak - Director of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, Stanislaw Tkaczyk - President of the Polish Chamber of Packaging and Thomas L. Schneider - President of the World Packaging Organisation. The admission of new members took place during the ongoing Polagra block fairs (Polagra-Food, Polagra-Tech, Polagra Gastro, Taropak and Invest Hotel).
We Welcome Guests from EMABOIS
The toast "Gin Dobry - First Today" was heard at Poznan Fair once again! Today Gin Dobry Club has expanded by two new members. Gianni Ghizzoni – Honorary President of the European Federation of Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers (EMABOIS) and Jurgen Koeppel – Vice President of EUMABOIS, have joined the club.
The beginning of Drema, SoFab and FURNICA was a great opportunity to meet in an excellent group and have a glass of noble drink - get away from the hustle and bustle of the fair for a while. The club tradition that dates back to 1966 revived once again.
John Cash honoured
In recognition of the accomplishments in the development of economic cooperation between Poland and the United Kingdom at trade fairs and exhibitions organized by Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie for nearly fifty years, John Cash received a commemorative coin minted to celebrate the Year of H. Cegielski.
The coin was awarded by the President of the Management Board of the Wielkopolska Employer's Association LEWIATAN, Jacek Silski, during the Gin Dobry Club (Good Gin Club) session on 6 June this year.
New members of the Board of GDC
On 26.09.13 Gin Dobry Club expanded its membership by new, eminent members. After honorary appointment ceremony, six rectors of Poznań public universities received occasional badges and membership certificates from John Cash. New members of the Dobry Gin Club include: prof. dr hab. Tomasz Łodygowski, HE Rector of the Poznań University of Technology, prof. dr hab. Marian Gorynia, HE Rector of the Poznań University of Economics, prof. AM dr Halina Lorkowska, HE Rector of the Music Academy, prof. dr hab. Bronisław Marciniak, HE of the Adam Mickiewicz University, President of the Board of Rectors, prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Skrzypczak, HE Rector of the Poznań University of Life Sciences, prof. dr hab. Jacek Wysocki, HE Rector of the Poznań University of Medical Sciences. Welcome to our club!
On Wednesday, September 25, 2013, John Cash, the President of Gin Dobry Club, inaugurated the club’s operations during the Polagra fair.
On the third day of the event, invited guests – Exhibitors and Partners of the Poznań International Fair – met in a cordial mood and exchanged their impressions from the fair.
The guests and the Management Board and Directors of PIF discussed business, but also different customs they had come across in their travels and foreign meetings. From time to time, the participants enthusiastically exclaimed the phrase “GIN DOBRY – FIRST TODAY!”.
Friendly atmosphere, openness and companionship of people from various countries and cultural zones are common features of Gin Dobry Club meetings. The nearest Club session will be inaugurated on Thursday, September 26, and after a short break, the Club members and sympathisers will meet on October 7, at the POLEKO fair.
Poznań International Fair has always been and always will be a place on international meetings, exchange of wares and services, business experience and mixing of cultures. The intercultural GIN DOBRY CLUB created by MTP is the best proof of that.
The history of the club dates back to 1966, when a tradition of toasting "GIN DOBRY - FIRST TODAY" was born during Poznań International Fair that was held at the time. William Kirton and James Lindsay - exhibitioners, representatives of companies that attended the fair - were the initiators of this beautiful custom. It was at their neighbouring stands that the Polish visitors have had the opportunity to observe the custom of drinking a glass of gin at twelve o'clock for the first time, which was to celebrate the commencement of international business talks.
Initially the toast was made in English. However, once the funny similarity between the greeting "dzień dobry" and the expression "gin is good" has been discovered, an intercultural catchword "GIN DOBRY - FIRST TODAY" was coined. The meetings attracted crowds of guests, so to ensure order during the celebration the toast began to be announced with the use of a bell and loud call: "with decorum gentlemen". This is how this pleasant custom, which is practised to this day at Poznań International Fair, came to be.
The GIN DOBRY CLUB meetings are held during fair events. Once the quorum or the majority of the club members meets at twelve o'clock in the Press Centre (which is where the seat of the club is located) the call „GIN DOBRY – FIRST DAY” is sounded. The club admits new, prestigious guests. During a festive celebration of initiation a member receives a certificate and a badge that allows club members to recognise themselves. New members may only be admitted by the president or vice-president of the club. Currently the highest position is held by John Cash.
We cordially invite all club members to attend the GIN DOBRY CLUB meetings. May the loud call "GIN DOBRY – FIRST TODAY!” sound at the fair!